
One of the tenets that JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) believes in strongly is that research is the pinnacle of a student’s education and vital to improve the quality of life.

research research

Research at JAIN (Deemed-to-be University)

The research centers at JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) focus on finding solutions to disruptive interdisciplinary / cross-disciplinary research problems that will have a significant societal and/or economic impact. Through its extensive network of highly skilled research faculty and scientists, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and collaborators, the University is working towards advancing research by funding growth, creating unique research training opportunities, and increasing its competitiveness for externally funded program project and grants.

Promotion of Research

A Research Development Cell (RDC) has been established with the Vice Chancellor as the Chairman and the Pro Vice Chancellors, the Deans of Faculty, Directors of the Research Centers, and eminent experts as members. The RDC oversees the research activities undertaken at the University level. The RDC has created Research Development Units (RDU) in each faculty. The RDUs are headed by the concerned deans and consists of all heads of departments in the faculty, professors, and external experts in the chosen research domain. The RDC also oversees the Ph.D. programs of the University and coordinates the activities of the research centers. The major and minor research projects that are proposed by the faculty are scrutinized by the concerned RDUs and subsequently, approved by the RDC and forwarded to the concerned sponsoring agencies. In-house projects are reviewed by the RDUs and recommended to the RDC for approval. The University sets aside a portion of its budget for such in-house research projects. The approved project coordinators are required to submit biannual reports to the concerned RDUs. The RDC conducts workshops and seminars on research methods at regular intervals for faculty and research students.

Research Policy

The following are a few of the salient features of the research policy:

  • Provide optimum facilities to researchers
  • Purchase equipment, upgrade labs, and subscribe e-journals
  • Create national facilities like the coating lab, the Underwriters Laboratory for fire testing and a survey research center
  • Initiated the establishment of an instrumentation center
  • Implemented the UGC regulation 2016 & 2018 for Ph.D.
  • Collaborated with research institutions
  • Created the position of a Dean for Research to coordinate research activities
Interdisciplinary Research

The University believes in promoting interdisciplinary research programs. It has collaborations with national/international research institutions of excellence for execution of research projects. Most of these are interdisciplinary in nature. The University also has multidisciplinary research projects. Enlisted below are the collaborations of the University. The University has initiated projects on snake venom and biofuels.

Research Facilities

All the constituent units have state-of-the-art research facilities that are used by the students. The researchers are also provided with library facilities and internet access to pursue their research work. Establishing new facilities and upgrading the existing ones is a continuous process.

The engineering wing has well-equipped labs and research centers like Center for Disaster Mitigation have separate cabins for faculty with computers and internet facility, and software packages like SPSS and Microsoft for database analysis. The wing is also equipped with Wi-Fi, online journals, e-books, and international and national journals. Out of mutual interest, research institutes like IISc, RRI, NAL, and CSIR have extended their facility to JAIN (Deemed-to-be University).

The postgraduate department laboratories are equipped with the most advanced equipment to suit additional academic and research needs of students pursuing their masters and Ph.D. degrees. The undergraduate labs are well equipped to carry out minor research projects. The University also has a well-resourced library, internet, computers in every department, and audio-visual facility to pursue research. To help our researcher, we also have the following:

  • Thinklet, an e-journal of research activities
  • Interlibrary loan facility
  • Research retreat
  • Research conclave
  • Permission to visit research centers to make use of available facilities
  • Sophisticated research equipment, and
  • Initiative to establish a nodal research center

Research Thrust Areas

Nano and Material Sciences
Nano and Material Sciences
  • Quantum Dot Solar Cells
  • Aqueous Chemical Sensors
  • Membrane Science for Water & Gas Separation
  • Design of Molecules for Therapeutic Uses
Management and Commerce
Management and Commerce
  • Capital Markets and Micro Finance
  • Graph Theory
  • Services Marketing, Retailing, Quality of Life and Inclusiveness
  • Organizational Justice, Engagement, Turnover, Retention and Work Environment
Fire & Combustion CFD modeling for smoke and fire spread (Computer Simulation)
Fire & Combustion
  • CFD modeling for smoke and fire spread (Computer Simulation)
  • Development of Fire Retardant materials
  • Studies on wood crib/panel fires and standards
  • Combustion and Propulsion
Emerging Technologies
Emerging Technologies
  • Micro Air Vehicle, Micro Robotic Fish Transitioning VTOL
  • Rapid Prototyping and Additive Manufacturing
  • Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, MEMS
  • RP Enclosures for Space Applications, Human Implants
Disaster Mitigation
Disaster Mitigation
  • Structural Dynamics, Random Vibration
  • Non - Linear Systems
  • Rainfall Studies
Engineering & Technology
Ancient History and Culture
  • History of Science & Technology in Ancient India
  • Editing & Translation of Manuscripts on Science & Technology
  • Outreach Activities on Cultural History
Universities in Karnataka for engineering
Engineering & Technology
  • Remote Sensing and GIS; Structural Dynamics; Soil Structures
  • Cloud Computing; Data Mining
  • VLSI, Satellite and Antenna
  • High Voltage Engineering; Hybrid Energy Systems
  • Energy Audit and Management
  • Structural Health Monitoring
  • Nano Polymer Composites
  • Avionics
  • Turbine Blade leading edge convective film cooling
  • Protein Modeling and MD Simulation
  • Microbial Fuel Cell; Toxinology; Industrial Enzymes
  • Theoretical Atomic and Condensed Matter Physics
  • Molecular Dynamics; Solar Waves and Exoplanets
  • X-ray Crystallography and Molecular Docking Studies
Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
  • Democracy, Elections and Federalism Studies and Indian Politics
  • Political Institutions, Governance & Public Policy
  • Higher Education and Teaching - Learning Pedagogy
  • Survey Research on Public Perception of Society, Politics & Economy
  • Urban Transformation Studies
  • SySocio-cultural Representations
  • Comparative Studies
  • Project on Manasollasa

Research Centers

JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) has 7 faculties, each housing a number of subject areas, research programs and study options. All faculties support and promote excellence by focusing on student experience, quality teaching, and the right balance of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Top 5 Indian Universities
Centre for Aerospace and Engineering

Centre for Aerospace and Engineering is a collaborative venture between JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) and Society of Indian Aerospace Technologies & Industries. The initiative has received overwhelming support from academic institutions, R & D laboratories and industrial organisations like ISRO, HAL, AAI, NAL, Air India, BIAL, CIAL, and many others. The curriculum has been examined by experts from academia and industry. Besides involving itself in cutting-edge research, the Institute will generate a pool of technical workers skilled in Aircraft Design, Avionics, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, and Airport Infrastructure & Management at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and research levels.

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Centre for Nano and Material Sciences

Centre for Nano and Material Sciences (CNMS) considers human resources as one of its essential strengths. The Institute's faculty members are a carefully chosen mix of experienced staff esteemed in their fields, together with young researchers who are eager to establish their positions in the academic world as leading scientists. By blending experience with a fresh outlook, we have created a balance that we believe holds tremendous promise. To promote the growth of its cutting-edge research, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) invests heavily in recruitment. CNMS's administrative management and equipment center are both operated by institute staff. Staffed by individuals with strong scientific backgrounds, CNMS's equipment center is able to provide scientific support as well as measurement services.

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centre for nano and material sciences
Top 5 Indian Universities
Chenraj Roychand Center for Entrepreneurship

Chenraj Roychand Center for Entrepreneurship (CRCE) is the entrepreneurial wing of JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) that creates opportunities for talented and dynamic individuals to realize their entrepreneurial potential. Business ideas are spotted and nurtured during the start-up and growth phases of these knowledge and high technology companies. Further, incubated companies are trained to identify an idea, understand hi-tech markets and emerging technologies.

With the declaration of JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) (formerly Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College) as Deemed-to-be-University in 2008, vide Ministry of HRD, Government of India notification No. F-9-57/2007-U3 (A), the Academic Council of JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) approved absorption of CRCE as a Center of Excellence of the University. The Center was mandated to carry out the following activities:

  • Business incubation through the incubation center of CRCE
  • Programs aimed at entrepreneurial capacity building, thereby fueling societal development and empowerment of individuals
  • Development of case studies
  • Research in entrepreneurship
  • Training through entrepreneurship development programs and continuing education programs for entrepreneurs
Top 5 Indian Universities
Centre for Research in Social Sciences and Education (CERSSE)

The Centre for Research in Social Sciences and Education (CERSSE) was established by JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) to promote research in select areas of social science and research. The Center has collaborated with international institutions of repute such as University of California, Berkeley, Forum of Federations, Canada, International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (IACFS), Forum of Federation, Sudan, and Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. The Center has also collaborated with WIPRO Technologies, Government of Karnataka, ICSSR, Government of India, CNN-IBN, and World Value Surveys for its research activities.

CERSSE offers training programs and workshops in the fields of public governance, administration, political science, teaching-learning process, leadership training, communication, interpersonal skills, and many more.

Research Areas
  • Election Studies
  • Federalism
  • Indian Politics
  • Comparative Democracy
  • Survey-based Research
  • Adolescent Psychology
  • Counseling
  • Training
  • Legislative Studies
  • Democracy Studies
  • Education
  • Political Institutions, Governance and Public Policy
  • Higher Education and Teaching Pedagogy
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Fire and Combustion Research Center

From fire testing laboratories to a visitors’ bay, the Research Center has been exclusively planned to cater to the needs of research and development in the areas of Fire & Combustion.

The Fire and Combustion Research Center (FCRC) is a well-equipped facility with four audio-visual classrooms, office space to facilitate in-situ long-term interactions with academic partners, research support infrastructures such as servers for computational fluid dynamics simulations, data acquisition, thermal imagery, chemical analysis, and fabrication.

The FCRC's fire lab facility covers a 2400 sqft area with a 40 ft. high roof for testing fire-related products such as fire-fighting foams, different classes of fire extinguishers, and sprinklers, according to the Underwriters Laboratories and Indian standards. The lab includes a visitors’ bay and a control room in an adjacent mezzanine floor with separate glass windows which will allow to witness the ongoing fire tests.

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school of law
center for ncient history and culture.
Center for Ancient History and Culture

Center for Ancient History and Culture (CAHC) is established with a view to present an objective analysis of Ancient Indian History. The research work at CAHC intends to review scholarly works on Vedic culture and present Indian history in the right perspective. The thrust areas of research include Monographs on Indian Astronomy before the Siddhantha Period, manuscriptology, and to bring out a three-volume encyclopaedia on technical-scientific terminologies used in ancient Indian literature.

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Centre for Research in Functional Materials (CRFM)

The Centre for Research in Functional Materials (CRFM) under JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) has interdisciplinary research on various aspects of advanced functional materials in green energy, sustainable environment, and water, and joint research endeavours with industries. CRFM hosts the education of a new generation of scientists with project-centric certificate courses, Ph. D, and postdoc programs at JAIN (Deemed-to-be University). In such a vibrant atmosphere, fresh ideas are being developed from basic research to application-oriented, including start-ups.

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fire and combustion research center.
Top 5 Indian Universities
Centre for Urban Ecology, Bio-diversity, Evolution, and Climate Change

CUBEC (Centre for Urban Ecology, Bio-diversity, Evolution, and Climate Change) is an evolving research centre that brings together scientists, students, and administrative staff to conduct high-profile research on patterns and processes shaping life on Earth. CUBEC seeks advanced knowledge about how terrestrial ecosystems function and uses a variety of methods to discover new paths, including field observations, experiments, and next-generation natural history datasets. The flexible research approach caters to an evolutionary ecology framework.

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Center for Research in Pure and Applied Sciences

The Centre for Research in Pure and Applied Sciences (CRPAS) is dedicated to fostering innovative and impactful scientific research to address the complex issues of our modern world. Through our interdisciplinary approach, we bridge the gap between fundamental and applied science, seeking solutions that have practical applications in various fields like health, the environment, agriculture, and food. Our main areas of focus include Nanobiotechnology and Material Sciences, Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Food Sciences, and Energy. With state-of-the-art facilities and collaborations with national and international institutions, we strive to drive significant research outcomes that contribute to societal progress and promote sustainability.

Top 5 Indian Universities
Top 5 Indian Universities
Shantamani Kala Kendra

Shantamani Kala Kendra is envisaged as the fulcrum for liberal education in the University offering educational programmes in Fine Arts and Performing Arts, besides promoting and amalgamating various traditional and modern art forms. From time immemorial, these forms have been referred to as Lalit Kala.

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Research Projects

Research is the pinnacle of a student’s education and JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) provides the intellect and infrastructure required for conducting meaningful research. With forty-eight ongoing research projects and four-hundred researchers, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) is actively promoting and supporting research. The various Schools and Centers of JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) provide the ideal environment for scholars to be engaged in cutting-edge research that is Comprehensive and enlightening. From nanotechnology to aerospace engineering, researchers at JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) are involved in pioneering research that is innovative, futuristic, and useful to society.

Know More About Research Projects

Research Publications and Awards


Six centers for research have been created to work on new areas. The research ambience is internalized through research development cell, and publication of research articles through the university academic journal Pariprashna with ISSN No – 0976-7150.

Details of publications by the faculty
1 Number of Publications 4274
2 Number of Papers in Scopus 4025
3 Highest Impact Factor research publication index in scopus Debasis Ghosh,
Trapping and Redistribution of Hydrophobic Sulfur Sols in Graphene – Polyethyleneimine Networks for Stable
Li – S Cathodes. Advanced Energy Materials (Wiley – VCH) 2018
Details of the Publications by the faculty in Scopus Indexed Journals
# Year Publication in SCOPUS
1 2014 108
2 2015 239
3 2016 268
4 2017 248
5 2018 301
Research Publications in Scopus Indexed Journals
research graph
Details of faculty serving on the editorial boards of national and international journals
# Department Name of the Faculty Journal
01 Biotechnology Prof. Sudha Deshmukh Guest Editor, Pariprashna (2009) – Special issue on Science Reviewer of papers in international journals (Impact factor 1-5)
02 Biotechnology Dr. Kumudini Belur Satyan Journal of Environmental Biology Reviewer of papers in international journals (Impact factor 1-5)
03 Biotechnology Highest Impact Factor research publication index in scopus Debasis Ghosh,
Trapping and Redistribution of Hydrophobic Sulfur Sols in Graphene – Polyethyleneimine Networks for Stable
Li – S Cathodes. Advanced Energy Materials (Wiley – VCH) 2018
Reviewer of papers in international journals (Impact factor 1-5)
04 Biotechnology Dr. K N Varalakshmi Reviewer of papers in international journals (Impact factor 1-5)
05 Biotechnology Dr. Mala Majumdar Reviewer of papers in international journals (Impact factor 1-5)
06 Chemistry & Biochemistry Dr. Sunil S More Editor (Aperito Journal of Advanced Plant Biology and Journal of Enzymology and metabolism) -1
07 English Dr. Swaralipi Editor. Taylor and Francis
08 CERSSE Dr. Sandeep Shastri Editor of proceedings on fifth International Conference on Federalism
09 CERSSE Dr. Sandeep Shastri Member of editorial board MP Journal of Social Sciences
10 CERSSE Dr. Sandeep Shastri Sage publications
11 CERSSE Dr. Sandeep Shastri 'Governance' Journal of the Structure and Organisation of Government, Research committee of international political science association
12 Civil Engineering Dr. Y R Nagaraja Editorial Board of Built Expressions
13 Civil Engineering Mr. Abhilash R Editorial board of Elsevier
14 Civil Engineering Mr. B N Skanda Kumar Editorial board of Elsevier
15 Civil Engineering Dr. Prashanth J Editorial board of Elsevier
16 Civil Engineering Dr. Harish N Editorial board of Elsevier
17 Civil Engineering Mr.C.Chandregowda Editorial board of Elsevier
18 Mathematics Dr. Radha Gupta Reviewer of Journal of industrial Engineering & Management
19 Mathematics Dr. Radha Gupta Reviewer for Journal OMICS
20 Hindi Dr. Mythili P Rao Advisory Board of Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences
21 Hindi Dr. Mythili P Rao Advisor – Asian Journal for Social Science and Humanities, Japan
22 CNMS Dr. Mahaveer Editorial board members of peer reviewed Journals
23 CNMS Dr. Siddappa Editorial board members of peer reviewed Journals
24 CNMS Dr. Ranjith Pai Editorial board members of peer reviewed Journals
25 CNMS Prof. Geetha Balakrishna Expert on nanotechnology for curriculum design by UGC, Srilanka
26 CNMS Prof. Geetha Balakrishna Advisory Board member, nanotechnology curriculum, NMKRV
27 Mechanical Engineering Dr. Rama Narasimha Referee in Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics and International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer
28 Electronics and Communication Engineering Dr. Vaibhav Editorial board member “Nano Scale Letters�?
29 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. B L Dhananjaya Managing Editor for the Journal “Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition)�? on the Special Thematic Issue “Toxins to drugs�?, Frontiers in Bioscience Publishers, USA
30 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. B L Dhananjaya Guest editor for the Journal “Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (CTMC)�? on the Special Thematic Issue "Secretary Phospholipase Inhibitors", Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. USA
31 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. B L Dhananjaya Guest Editorial for the Journal Medicinal Chemistry (MC) on special thematic issue ‘Medicinal chemistry and therapeutical potential of snake venom toxin inhibitors’, Bentham Publishers, USA
32 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. B L Dhananjaya Editorial member and Guest editor for the Journal “International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPPS)�? on the Special Thematic Issue "Drugs from Nature: plants as an important source of pharmaceutically important metabolites", Innovare Academic Publishers
33 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. B L Dhananjaya Distinguished Editor for Journal of Venom Research (JVR) (ISI & SCI Index -Pubmed, Pubmed Central). Library Publishing Media Ltd, Oxford, UK
34 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. B L Dhananjaya Editor of Toxicology for Journal of Negative Results (JNegRes). ) (Index – Pubmed, Pubmed central, Medline, Scopus, Elsevier, Index Copernicus, CAS).
35 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. B L Dhananjaya Editorial Board Member for Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Science (JRPS). (Index – Chemical Abstracts (CAS), EMBASE). Quest Journals.
36 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. B L Dhananjaya Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
37 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. A V Raghu International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Nanotechnology
38 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. A V Raghu Journal of Polymer Science
39 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. A V Raghu American Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
40 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. A V Raghu American Journal of Applied Chemistry
41 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. A V Raghu International Journal of Materials Science and Applications
42 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. Muralidhara Meghwal Food Science and Technology Letters: Category : International Journal, Publisher
43 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. Narendra Reddy International Journal of Textile Science and Engineering
44 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. Narendra Reddy AATCC Journal of Research
45 Center for Emerging Technologies Dr. Ravi Kumar K American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
46 Sanskrit Dr Rajani Jairam Editor and reviewer for all research papers on Philosophy and Sanskrit Literature, Research Revolution
47 Kannada Dr. Manjunatha Dasa Vaibhava – A collection of Article on Dasa Sahithya Co-Editor, Published by Aisiri Prakashana, Bangalore –2013
48 Kannada Dr. Manjunatha Vachana Vaividya - A collection of Article on Vachana Sahithya Co-Editor, Published by Aisiri Prakashana, Bangalore – 2013
49 Kannada Dr. Manjunatha Neladani (Dr. Narahalli Abhinandana Grantha), Editorial Committe, Published by Aisiri Prakashana, Bangalore – 2013
50 Kannada Dr. Manjunatha Jaanapadada Antharala Co-Editor - Published by Devi Prakashana, Bangalore – 2013
51 Psychology Dr. Gnanaprakash Peer Review Member Primax International Journal of Commerce and Management Research

Research Contacts

Center for Research in Social Sciences and Education (CERSSE)
#1/1-1, Atria Towers, Palace Road,
Bangalore, Karnataka - 560 001
080 4649 8300
Center for Nano and Material Sciences
JAIN Global Campus
#45 KM, NH - 209, Jakkasandra Post,
Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara District,
Bangalore, Karnataka - 562 112
[email protected] +91 80 2757 7212
Center for Disaster Mitigation
JAIN Global Campus
#45KM, NH - 209, Jakkasandra Post,
Kanakapura Taluk,
Ramanagara District - 562 112
+91 80 2757 7203
International Institute for Aerospace Engineering and Management
JAIN Global Campus
#45 km, NH - 209, Jakkasandra Post,
Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara District,
Karnataka - 562 112
[email protected] +91 80 2757 7231
Chenraj Roychand Center for Entrepreneurship (CRCE)
#319, 17th Cross, 25th Main,
J.P. Nagar 6th Phase,
Bangalore, Karnataka - 560 078
[email protected] +91 80 4343 0400
Center for Urban Ecology, Biodiversity, Evolution, and Climate Change
#319, 17th Cross, 25th Main, J P Nagar 6th Phase,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Karnataka - 560078
Centre for Research in Functional Materials (CRFM)
First floor, Fire Lab Building, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University)
JAIN Global Campus, Jakkasandra Post
Kanakapura Tq, Ramanagara District-562 112
Karnataka, India
[email protected] +91 94492 93499